Submissions closed
Winners to be announced 31.01.24
We're turning installations into adventures.
The great prizes that the installers will win:
Trip for two
to China
Trip for two
to China
One of four trips for two people to China including a Trina Solar plant tour and incredible sights.
One of eight electric scooters for a greener way to travel.
Food Truck
Food Truck
One of eight food truck party experiences to reward and celebrate with your team.
We’re sorry if you missed entering. How about next time?
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What was required?

Entries closed on 15th December 2023.

Entry was based on companies ordering over 50 kWp of Trina Solar panels at their distribution partner by 30th November 2023 for their chance to win, and submitting this to us by 15th December 2023.

What was required?
Winners announced 31.01.24
Winners announced 31.01.24

We’ll be announcing the winners of each of the different prizes on 31st January 2024 both here on this landing page and on our social media.

Follow us there to find out: Instagram and Linkedin.


Winners announced 31.01.24
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